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«Шахтер» переманил себе главного скаута «Бенфики»

Жозе Бота уже попрощался с лиссабонским клубом
Фото - Instаgrаm

Глава селекционной службы «Бенфики» Жозе Бота продолжит работу в «Шахтере».

Специалист уже покинул португальский клуб после десяти лет работы с «орлами». В его обязанности входил не только поиск и покупка игроков, но и их продажа.

Прощальный пост Боту в Instаgrаm:

One decade. One decade of huge professional and personal development. Why? Because one decade ago there was an irrefutably proposal from Sport Lisboa Benfica! In order to speak about all these years, I have to highlight Benfica, because the club, and specially these president was who chalenged and invited me for a project that Ive never even dreamed with before! In this case, everything was better then the dream! The passion to discover and identify talents growed every single season. I always had the intention of contributing to Benfica success! If I believe that the true qualities of the top players are technique, inteligence and the accurate decisions, that was exactly what Ive also tried to do on a daily basis. Adding also gratitude. And that’s my exact feeling, with gratitude, that I do want to say good bye! Gratitude for everyone who welcome me on the begining, gratitude for all who worked with me, and a huge and an enormous gratitude for the President Luis Filipe Vieira, who always bet and trusted on me! Always! My next professional Challenge wont be in Sport Lisboa Benfica, but I will still accomplish my professional tasks like I ve always done: with a lot of passion and professionalism! Thank you all! See you soon! Best regards, José Boto

Публикация от Jose Boto (@jboto.04)

Вместо Боту пост главного скаута «Бенфики» займет Педру Феррейра.

Ранее в обратном направлении отправился лучший нападающий донецкого клуба Факундо Феррейра.

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